Damp. The (very) basic guide. part 3

Now that you have read part 1 and part 2, we can move onto more problematical damp.  This is rising damp. Despite what some daft journalists and conservationists say, it’s very common. However, it is also often misdiagnosed and I’d say that quite a few expensive damp courses are installed when they needn’t be (I […]

Damp. The (very), basic guide. Part 1

As a damp specialist I get asked about damp all the time.  So this post is the start of a short series of plain English articles for ‘normal’ people – not surveyors or other property professionals. To keep things simple, we need to think first about how to limit ourselves to damp which we all […]

The imaginary world of the Rising Damp myth mongers and why they can never accept the truth….

‘Rising damp’ used to be free of contention; it was there or it wasn’t.  Nowadays there are some who say it is never there…..and it never was there. How can this have happened?  Were all those who thought it existed wrong? Are those who say that Rising damp “is as rare as rocking horse shit”, […]

Green Damp-proofing system seen stopping damp rising up through windows….

Dry Rot is ill, this is Doctor Hindlefokker, sitting in for him. The well documented problem of damp, rising up through vindows and frames, then up through zee lintls and such is a thing of the past.  As can be seen in the image below, damp can be removed from zee vall over zee lintel […]

Hurray! Damp Guarantees – now last forever….Guaranteed!

‘Green’ damp solving systems from the ‘Neverlands’ now come with a ‘lifetime’ guarantee. How do you define “lifetime” The inventor’s lifetime?  The customer’s lifetime? the lifetime of the house?  the installing technician’s? the installing limited company? – or the Daily Star advertising director’s? I don’t know.  What I do know is that all companies who […]

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